Smoke Free

It’s been three years since I quit smoking. But the news that is even better than that…Sean has been smoke free for almost 3 months! As a multi-pack-a-day smoker since before we met (1997), it’s been really hard for him to quit. He’s tried so...

We’re crazy and insane…and doing the Whole30

Today marks our first day of Whole30. In a very quick nutshell, Whole30 is about eliminating certain foods that could be having a negative impact on your body (low energy, aches/pains, issues losing weight, etc). Those specific foods are sugar, alcohol, grains,...

The 2013 Garden

I write this as we are waiting for a winter storm to hit our area in North Carolina.  Last week though it was sunny and in the 70’s and while reading my new favorite site One Hundred Dollars a Month, I started to get the gardening itch. Mavis’ 2000...